The Soft Life Era: Why Hustle Culture is Losing Its Vigour
Having been born when the Sun was stationed in Aquarius, I naturally gravitate toward anything that encourages freedom while silently questioning pre-imposed societal norms. No wonder I had a eureka moment stumbling upon an article introducing the Soft Life. Put simply the Soft Life is the opposite of the dreaded Hustle Culture. A culture where burnout is at the forefront while things like passion and work-life balance are set to a minimum. One reason why I quit my job in fashion last year.
This lifestyle movement gained popularity in the Nigerian influencer community and has gained traction ever since. The allure is in allowing ourselves to say “no, thanks” by setting boundaries, identifying our priorities and giving in to what lights us up. This in turn opens a lifestyle where self-care and well-being are at the forefront. There is no “one size fits all” mentality in living a Soft Life as it allows for your own definition. So whether that means swapping party nights for knitting nights, staying in your sweats while working from home, sipping bubbly every Saturday morning with your besties or quitting your office job to focus on a growing passion project – you write the script.
The bottom line is that you are encouraging a sense of joy, meaning and well-being in your body, mind and soul. To me, it sounds like the best of both worlds – remaining productive yet catering to a life that feels good and does good.
Honestly, I am not sure when in recent years Soft Life began taking off but I suspect the global pandemic had a positive influence on its growth. The world and thereby, Hustle Culture was at a standstill during this period which gave us more time and space to lean into basic comforts and glimmers. Furthermore, we were granted space to sit with ourselves and reflect. This might seem unsettling for some, but as I have mentioned in a previous blog post, there are many kernels of wisdom and mindfulness nestled in solitude.
Apart from the obvious anxiety that goes with a global viral outbreak how good did it feel knowing we had to be nowhere? The comfort of being at home with our loved ones, taking time for something like a puzzle or any other hobby we didn’t allow time for pre-COVID. These types of things are key in soothing our nervous system and making us happy.
Ways to Incorporate the Soft Life into Your Everyday
As mentioned earlier, there is no exact way to live a Soft Life as it is so personal in nature. What is deemed a lifestyle of joy and purpose for some may not resonate with others. Another reason to get in touch with your inner knowing and purpose by eliminating external noise that can accompany Hustle Culture. There are, however, a few components to encourage you along your way.
• reduce stress
• rest is productive
• unleash your creativity
• practice gratitude
• be intentional with your words and your actions
• mindfulness sets the tone of the day
• less judgment, more compassion
• listen to your instinct
• if it doesn’t (positively) vibe, let it slide (away)
• ask for help when needed and offer it back
• spend quality time with your friends, family or chosen family
• be kind and friendly to others – we never truly know what someone
might be going through
• spend less time in front of a screen and more time creating something
with your hands
• make a vision board
• activate all five senses
• write in a journal
• meditate and do yoga
• find a career that feeds your purpose
• less consumerism
• give and receive LOVE
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